Monday, March 19, 2007

School's open tomorrow

Well after all the potential for opening up the school to us finned folks - doesn't look like it's going to happen. I won't be roaming the halls - you all will just have to visit me in the library. Oh well, maybe if they get some insurance money they'll spring for a larger holding tank for me. I hope you've enjoyed your day off - tomorrow is MCAS - make sure you get your rest tonight. Library is closed tomorrow for testing so SHHHHH!
Gotta go finish my book
Love, Dewey

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Water water everywhere!

The principal sent out a message today that school is closed on Monday -- all because of a little water in the high school. What's the big deal? I say, the more water the better! Just think, if the school was flooded I could further my education - swim to classes on different floors- get a high school diploma -- be the valedictorian! As a matter of fact, I think I'll go meet with my guidance counselor and pick my courses out for next year - do they have marine biology?
Don't get me wrong - I love the library - but it'll be good to explore the rest of the school. I wonder what's for lunch next week. I'm getting a bit sick of the flakes.